Business strategy is about positioning an organization to optimize its competitive advantage. It requires making decisions about the markets in which the organization participates, the products and services offered, and aligning corporate resources. Strategy development enables executives to define the strategic objectives for their organizations and to streamline their operations. Applying tried and tested strategy development processes and practices, we support executives in their efforts to achieve the results required to secure their corporate success.
Strategy Formulation
At INTELSOURCE, we approach strategy formulation processes as projects with clearly defined objectives, deliverables, action plans, timelines, milestones and deadlines. Through all phases of the strategy formulation process, from its inception to its completion, we can help you manage schedules, organize and facilitate meetings, and track the status of assigned actions. At the end of this process, your organization will have a vision and mission statement, completed internal and external analyses, defined strategic objectives and a tailored strategic plan of action. Through this process, we will support you with strategic frameworks and concepts.
Strategy Implementation
Strategic implementation means translating strategic plans into action. This requires establishing ownership, assigning accountabilities, and agreeing deadlines. It also requires ensuring that the necessary communications, organizational structures and budgetary frameworks are in place. As a sequel to the strategy formulation process, INTELSOURCE consultants can help usher your team through the process of putting these measures into place.  

Strategic Controlling
Monitoring and control is essential for the performance management process. To ensure that your strategy is unfolding as planned, you will need meaningful and goal-oriented key performance indicators and an effective monitoring and control process. We can help you set up a system that will enable you to ensure that your strategy is on track.
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